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Why we should jailbreak iOS?

Among Apple users, jailbreak iOS is one of the most popular processes. Here you can use it to remove restrictions that were imposed by Apple Inc. Jailbreak is an interesting process, and it is something similar to iOS hacking. This is the only acceptable way to get root access for iOS and the supported way…

Cydia download for my iPad Pro

Now it is possible to easily download the latest iPadOS 14.4.1 for your iPad Pro devices by following settings> General> Software update. iOS 14.4.1 is the latest available bug-fixed update for iOS 14.4, and here Apple included some security updates to fixed those issues. If you successfully update iOS 14.4, now you can easily install…

Semi-tethered jailbreak updated for iPod touch 7 Gen

The most trending iPod touch is now available to the public. That is iPod the seventh-generation iPod touch device. It has several names such as iPod touch 7 Gen, iPod touch 7, iPod touch 7G, iPod touch 2019, etc. This is another handheld multi-purpose device that belongs to Apple Inc. Such as iPhone smart series…

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